The Uniform Catering Conditions of Koninklijke Horeca Nederland (KHN) apply to all reservations within Crazy Pianos.
The Uniform Conditions Royal Catering Netherlands apply to all agreements entered into by us. You can view this on the website:
All prices quoted are subject to price changes.
Although we love animals very much, dogs or other pets are not allowed in the restaurant.
On our terrace however they are more than welcome, we are happy to prepare a bowl of water for the thirsty four-legged friend.
When visiting Crazy Pianos you should know we have a dress code:
You are responsible for your property yourself. We accept no responsibility in the event of theft/loss and/or damage.
Our guests enter Crazy Pianos at their own risk.
Due to fire safety, coats are not allowed into the restaurant, so our guest is obliged to hand over his/her coat at the cloakroom.
You may not take, damage and/or move our belongings outside.
Glasses and bottles may not be taken outside. Anyone who causes damage is responsible for the costs.
Our guests agree that film and photo material made within Crazy Pianos may be used by Crazy Pianos and may be released to third parties.
In the event of an emergency, you must always follow the instructions of the staff.
Guests for the club night must be at least 23 years old and be able to show this by means of identification. When a guest refuses to show identification he/she may be refused entry.
A guest who refuses to pay an entrance fee will not be admitted.
Guests are not allowed to act aggressive or dominant (in word and behavior).
Any form of aggression towards guests and staff is forbidden. Annoying and/or offensive behaviour will not be tolerated.
Sexual harassment and nuisance gatherings will not be tolerated.
Large groups are not allowed, unless they have made a reservation and have proof of this. If these groups do not dress or behave in accordance with the house rules, they can still be refused entry.
Crazy Pianos does not allow any large group of people, unless they can prove a reservation has been made.
When a reservation has been made and guest do not dress or behave in accordance with the house rules, entry can be refused.
When it is too busy inside, or if many VIP card holders are expected to sign up, space is kept free for these people. This can be interpreted as a reason for refusal. The same goes for private parties.
The possession, use or trading in narcotics is prohibited.
Access to Crazy Pianos can be refused when a guest is under the influence of drugs or/and alcohol.
Our guests are not allowed to trade in drugs or make any attempt to do so.
Our guests must not be under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
When a guest has caused problems in the (recent) past, entry to the club or restaurant may be denied.
Guests who refuse to pass through the metal detector will be refused entry.
If objects are found at the metal detector that can serve as a weapon, access will be denied to that guest.
If the guest has gotten of the rid of the object in question, he/or she may come back and access to the club/restaurant may be allowed.
If one of the above rules is violated, the person can be immediately and without regard to the police handed over to the police, while denial of access will also be given.